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Global Health Catalyst  Summit Outcomes

Collaboration initiatives and impact

Audience Clapping
Crowd of People
Professor Lecturing on Stage
Politician with Supporters
People Cheering
Conference Event

Some Outcomes of the GHC summits

High impact collaboration initiatives and activities for global health and development

Data Cloud

World's premier comprehensive cancer center in the cloud (C4) powered by artificial intelligence

College Campus

Global Oncology University, with award winning collaborative education model

Medical Team

Multi-center clinical trials (AfrOx-H clinical trials network) collaboration


International Phytomedicine and Medical Cannabis Institute


Religion and Global Health Forum @ Drew University


Support/establish new cancer centers in LMIC

Kenya, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Nigeria, etc


Training for thousands of oncology health professionals


New small businesses like NESTRE

Health and economic development


New programs and journals in radiation oncology including with professional societies in the USA and LMIC

Business Woman Smiling

Over 180 travel and professional development awards in global health


Innovation: Tiny drones to target cancer

US government building

Policy Recommendations for addressing disparities and global health

Shaping policy for global health and development

Numerous collaborations including with diaspora organizations to turn brain drain to brain circulation and global health gain


High impact collaborations to reduce disparities





Parliament House

Policy and Action

Upcoming Events: RSVP below and use the link you get to access all summit sessions

  • Cancer Moonshot 2.0 GHC Summit at Harvard/MIT (June 5-8, 2025)
    Cancer Moonshot 2.0 GHC Summit at Harvard/MIT (June 5-8, 2025)
    Thu, Jun 05
    Jun 05, 2025, 8:00 AM EDT – Jun 08, 2025, 4:00 PM EDT
    Harvard/MIT, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115, USA
    Jun 05, 2025, 8:00 AM EDT – Jun 08, 2025, 4:00 PM EDT
    Harvard/MIT, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115, USA
    Register for 4 Days (June 5-8) of Celebrating progress on the Cancer Moonshot and 10 years of progress by the Global Health Catalyst. Early Bird registration ends February 28, 2025. No refunds for registration will be given for cancellations received after May 30, 2025.
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